Cannot install office 2016 for mac
Cannot install office 2016 for mac

cannot install office 2016 for mac

This also is happening to older Microsoft software (some very expensive when purchased). But i did not find this statement in their agreement. No one really reads it (some of course) when installing.they know that and it is designed on purpose so you don’t read the “fine lines” in the contract agreement.

cannot install office 2016 for mac

Yes, i have had the license for about 10 paid for it and did not find that there were limits for activation if you have a legal license in their long contractual statement, including following their instructions and their one (or 3 depending) computer activation limit.

cannot install office 2016 for mac

They can evict you whenever they choose Without compensation. I said to the Microsoft Tech Support “So basically you are telling me that Microsoft is pushing me to sign up for a subscription. They told me even though I have a true license and have done what I am suppose to do when I move the licensed copy to another system, I have exceeded the activation limits on my license so it is no longer valid. (?) I removed the software off my systems as instructed by the rules, but they said that there is a limit to how many times I can do this and How many times I can activate it.this was new to me. I talked to support and they told me that I have activated and reactivated well beyond the allowed activation.

#Cannot install office 2016 for mac for mac

Click to expand.Yes, I too have a licensed Office 2011 for mac and could not activate.

Cannot install office 2016 for mac